• Posted 16/03/2017 9:24am

School Competition

Rewi Alley was raised and educated in Canterbury, fought in the First World War in France, farmed in the Taranaki in the 1920s and spent 60 years in China, where he is honoured as one of the five most significant foreigners. 2017 marks Rewi Alley’s 120th birthday.

To keep his memory alive and to ensure young people learn about his life and achievements, the anniversary coordinating committee, in conjunction with the New Zealand China Friendship Society has commissioned three Units of Learning - Social Studies; History NCEA Level One (4 credits) History NCEA Level 3 (5 credits).

Social Studies and History Teachers are invited to include these units of learning in their programmes this year and in the future. They can be accessed on the History Teachers' site http://www.nzta.org.nz/ and from the Aotearoa New Zealand Federation of Social Studies Associations.

A major competition for Years 7-10 and Years 11-13 will be announced shortly.

For additional information contact: Margaret Austin. Education Coordinator for the anniversary committee [email protected]

16 Mar

December 2017 Commemorations


16 Mar

School Competition

Rewi Alley was raised and educated in Canterbury, fought in the First World War in France, farmed in the Taranaki in the 1920s and spent 60 years in China, where...

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